Interested candidates are hereby requested to appear Walk in Interview for the following ad-hoc posts of Lecturers in the scale of pay Rs. 8000/- P.M. for a period of six months/may be extendable. The candidate should have UGC norms and to appear the interview with their original documents along with their application for the post. For the post of Career Counsellor the qualification should be professional degree in counselling or Master Degree in Psychology.Pay negotiable. Experience will be preferred.
Date of interview : 25th July,
Time 11 A.M. onwards
1. Chemistry 3 nos
2. Home Science 1 no
3. Mathematics 1 no
4. Philosophy 1 no
5. Hindi 1 no
6. Pol. Science 1 no
Date of Interview : 26th July,
Time 11 A.M. onwards
1. Computer Science 1 no
2. Commerce 1 no
3. History 1 no
4. Psychology 1 no
5. Career Counsellor 1 no
Sd/- Principal
Darrang College, Tezpur
Ph. No. 03712-220014
Gauhati University invites application for the post of Law Officer
Walk in interview at Regional Medical Research Centre, Dibrugarh for the post of Research Scientist, SRF, JRF, Research Assistant and Technical Assistant
Walk-in-Interview will be held for the post (s) of Research Scientist II (NM), SRF (NM),JRF, Research Assistant and Technical Assistant at 10 am on 23/07/2013 and for the post of Technician C, Laboratory Technician, Health Assistant and Data Entry at 10 am on24/07/2013 under extramural projects implemented by the Regional Medical Research Centre (ICMR), Dibrugarh.For details please visit website
Regional Medical Research
Centre (ICMR), Post Box.
No. 105, Dibrugarh
Montford School, Guwahati invites application for the post of PG Teacher (Maths)
Required PG Teachers in Maths at Montfort School (CBSE), G.S.Road, 10th Mile, Guwahati- 23. Apply on or before 20th July,2013. Contact : The Principal, Montfort School, Ph. No.8761995349/ 9678939572,email : [email protected]
Haji Abdul Majid Memorial Hospital & Research Centre urgently requires Specialist Doctor, Resident Medical Officer and Radiographer
Dergaon K D College, P.O. Dergaon-785614, Assam invites application with complete biodata including contact no. and testimonials from NET/SLET qualified candidates having UGC norms for the post of Assistant Professor in English (Reserved for S.T. (P) in the regular UGC revised payband of Rs. 15,600.00-39,100.00 + AGP 6000 with other allowances. Candidate who have obtained M.Phil on or before 10.07.2009 may also apply for the post.Candidates who are awarded Ph.D degree in accordance with UGC regulation, 2009 are also exempted from the requirement of the NET/SLET/SET. The application must reach the undersigned within nine days from the date of publication of the advertisement. A non refundable Bank Draft for Rs.500/- drawn in favour of Principal, Dergaon K D College at SBI Dergaon Branch must accompany the application.