Applications are invited for the following post of Asstt. Professor in Dhemaji College-
1) Political Science one post (Lien vacancy for two years) candidates must possess with latest UGC norm with special paper in “Public Administration and State & Politics in North East India.
2) MCA two posts, candidate must possess their degree from recognizeed and reputed institutions. Apply within 5th July with bank draft of Rs.500/-only payable in favour of Principal, Dhemaji College.
Assam Rajiv Gandhi University of Cooperative Management, Sivasagar, invites applications for Part Time Instructors for Economics/ Education/Commercial Arithmetic/Statistics/Geography
Last Date of Application:Apply within 10 days (i.e within 2nd July, 2013)
Part Time instructors for Economics/ Education/Commercial Arithmetic/Statistics/Geography (having Master Degree in respective area) are required for session wise engagement for UG course. Engagement is purely temporary and not against any regular post. Details may be obtained from the University. Interested candidates may send by mail or post within 10(ten) days to the University by sending CV along with email/mobile no.
Sd/- (Dr. Rafiquz Zaman, IAS (Rtd.)) Vice Chancellor, Assam Rajiv Gandhi University of Cooperative Management, Sivasagar, Assam-785640.
Wanted candidate for the post of Teacher and Social Worker for educating out-of-schoolchildren in Guwahati Metro, HS passed, well versed in Assamese, salary negotiable. Last date of submission bio data before June26, 2013 to Don Bosco Provincial House, Panbazar, Guwahati-1. Email - [email protected]. Contact- 99547-16486.
Bapujee College, Barpeta invites applications for one sanctioned post of Assistant Prof. in Assames and two contractual posts in Political Sc and Philosophy
Last Date of Application:Apply within 10 days (i.e within 2nd July, 2013)
Applications with complete biodata and attested copies of all testimonials from H.S.L.C. onwards are invited from the candidates for the following posts:
A) One sanctioned post of Assistant Professor in Assamese, Group-A(Unreserved) Qualification : Latest UGC norms with NET/SLET/SET as mandatory. Candidates who have obtained M.Phil. degree on or before 10.07.2009 may also apply excluding the candidates obtained M.Phil./Ph.D degree from off campus centre. However, candidates who are or have been awarded Ph.D. degree in accordance with the UGC (minimum standards and procedure for award of Ph.D degree)Regulation, 2009 shall be exempted from the illegibility conditions of NET/SLET/SET.
Age limit: maximum 38 years as on 01.01.2013; 5 years relaxable for SC/ST candidates. Pay Scale: 15600-39100 +AGP 6000 with other allowances as per rule. Application fees: A demand draft of Rs.1000.00 drawn in favour of Principal, Bapujee College payable at S.B.I., Sarthebari.
B) Contractual Teachers :
i) One in Political Science
ii) One in Philosophy
Qualification : Latest UGC norms . Pay : Rs. 5000.00 P.M. All applications should reach the undersigned within 10 days from the date of this advertisement.