Rangia College, Rangia invites application for the post of Part-time Assistant Professor (English, Economics, Political Science, Philosophy, Chemistry ) and for the post of third grade employee.
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the post of Part-time Assistant Professors of English (1),Economics (1), Political Science (1), Philosophy (1)and Chemistry (1 Inorganic and 1 Physical Chemistry) and a third grade employee (B.Com with computer knowledge) on contractual basis. The applicants are to apply along with their contact No. on or before 23rd July, 2013 to the undersigned.
(Dr. J. Kakati)
Rangia College, Rangia
Guru Sankar-Nanak College, Nagaon invites application for teaching posts (English, Education, Political Science, History, Assamese, L.D.A., Librarian,4th Grade)
Guru Sankar-Nanak College,P.O. Borkola, Dist. Nagaon :Assam. Applications are invited along with all relevant testimonials mentioning contact No. from the eligible candidates having UGC norms as per regulation, 2009 for the following posts at consolidated pay on or before 30/07/2013.
English-1, Education-2, Political Science-2, History-1, Assamese-1, L.D.A.-1, Librarian-1, 4th Grade-2.
Guru Sankar-Nanak College,P.O. Borkola, Dist. Nagaon
D.R College (Dept. of Botany), Golaghat invites application for the post of JRF/JPF and Field Assistant
Applications are invited for the following positions on purely temporary basis in MoEF Sponsored Research Project.
1. JRF/JPF- (One).Fellowship @Rs. 16,000/-pm/10,000/- pm + HRA as per rules.
2. Field Assistant (one).Salary @ Rs. 5,000/- pm(Fixed).
Qualification: For JRF: First Class M.Sc. in Botany/ Life Sciences (Botany)/ Forestry/Ecology/Biotech (Botany in B.Sc) with NET-JRF/NET. Without NET for JPF, Desirable capability in field research in Plant Ecology.For: Field Assistant: 10th pass, Desirable Field worker .Desirous candidates must send their bio-data within ten days of publication of the advertisement along with all testimonials, mobile number etc. to Dr. R. Sarmah,Principal Investigator, Department of Botany, D. R.College, Golaghat, Assam Pin-785621. E-mail:[email protected].;Ph. No. 9401627460. Shortlisted candidates will be called for interview.
Principal Investigator
J.B.Hagjer College(Jr), Dima Hasao invites application for the post of Lecturer in Accountancy and Economics
Applications with supported documents are invited from the candidate having the requisite norms for the posts of Lecturer in Accountancy-01 & Economics-01 to reach the following address within 15(fifteen) days of publication of the advertisement . Pay negotiable. Principal, J.B.Hagjer College(Jr), Umrongso, Dima Hasao (Assam) Pin- 788931, Cont. No.03670-288323.