Vacancy for Fund Raising assistant position in Guwahati based NGO, Foundation for Social Transformation. Graduate freshers and candidates with few years of experience in fundraising, Sales and Marketing will be preferable. Candidates should have good communication skill and positive attitude. E-mail resumes with a cover letter [email protected] before10th July, 13.
Mangaldai Law College, Mangaldai invites application for the post of Librarian
Applications are invited from qualified candidates for a post of Librarian and qualified candidates having minimum qualification HS passed with the knowledge of Computer and Typing for a post of Office Mangaldai Law College.Respective candidates may apply with all necessary testimonials within 10 days from the date of publication. Salary is negotiable.
Principal cum Secretary,
Mangaldai Law College, P.O.
Karimganj College, Karimganj invite applications for the post of Assistant Professor in Physics
Application with complete bio-data and attested copies of all documents from H.S.L.C. onwards are invited for the post of an Asstt.Professor : Physics- 1 post un-reserved specialization-Nuclear Physics.Candidates having latest UGC norms with NET/SLET or M. Phil degree on or before10-07-09 of Ph.D degree in accordance with the UGC regulations 2009 may apply for the post excluding the candidates obtained M.Phil/Ph.D degree from off campus centre. Application with a Bank draft of Rs. 500/- is payable at U.B.I. Karimganj Branch drawn in favour of Principal Karimganj College or cash must reach the undersigned within 10 days from the date of publication of the advertisement.
Karimganj College, Karimganj
PIN- 788710
Goreswar College, Goreswar invite appplications for the post of Assistant Professors in comemrce stream
Applications along with photocopies of all testimonials are invited for the following posts of Assistant Professor, Commerce Stream, Goreswar College.Candidates having UGC norms of qualification will be preferred.
1. Accountancy
2. Business Management
3. Commerce
4. Statistics
Pay: Negotiable. Date of Interview: 16.07.13(Tuesday) from 10 a.m. onwards.
Sd/- Dr. K. Deka
Goreswar College
P.O.- Goreswar
Dist- Baksa, BTC, Assam
IIT, Guwahati invite applications for the post of Junior Research Fellow in a DBT sponsored project
Applications along with all testimonials are invited for the following posts of Assistant Professor on contractual basis. Candidates having UGC norms of qualification will be preferred.
Sl. No. Dept No. of post
i) English 03
ii) Bodo 06
iii) Assamese 04
iv) Philosophy 05
v) History 04
vi) Political Science 04
vii) Education 04
viii) Economics 04
Pay: Negotiable.
Date of interview: 16.07.13(Tuesday) from 10 AM onwards.